The Irinox rapid blast chiller cools quickly to +3°C and deep freezes food at -18°C at the core, even hot ones just removed from the
oven. The operating principle of a blast chiller is to extract the heat from the food in the shortest possible time. EF Next guarantees
ultra-rapid cooling and freezing and preserves the fragrance, consistency, colours and all food nutritional properties, fixing its
quality and freshness longer over time. Made in Italy.
Having an Irinox blast chiller in your kitchen or professional laboratory means raising the level of your food preparation, storage and service methodologies. The Cook & Chill and Cook & Freeze methodologies are cutting-edge techniques that have the advantage of standardizing the quality of the foods that are prepared in advance. In this way, we safeguard the organoleptic aspects, guaranteeing, at the same time, the slowing down of the bacteria proliferation process. Food lasts longer: less waste, better work organization, more margins.